Getting started
Using the command-line
In order to use AlvisNLP you need to Download and install it.
AlvisNLP consists on a single command-line executable: alvisnlp
In order to get a short help on the options:
$ alvisnlp -help
process text corpora
Documentation options:
-help print this help
-supportedModules print supported modules and exit
-supportedConverters print all types of parameters that can be converted
-supportedLibraries print the name of all supported expression libraries
-moduleDoc MODULE print documentation for a module and exit
-converterDoc TYPE print documentation for converters to a parameter type and exit
-libraryDoc LIB print documentation for library LIB and exit
-locale LOCALE set locale for documentation and messages
-supportedModulesXML print supported modules in XML and exit
-supportedConvertersXML print all types of parameters that can be converted in XML and exit
-supportedLibrariesXML print the name of all supported expression libraries in XML and exit
-moduleDocXML MODULE print documentation for a module in XML and exit
-converterDocXML TYPE print documentation for converter to a parameter type in XML and exit
-libraryDocXML LIB print documentation for library LIB in XML and exit
-planDoc write plan documentation instead of processing
-docTransformer XSLT use the specified XSL transformation file to display documentation
-xslParam NAME VALUE pass parameter to the style sheet specified by -docTransformer
Verbosity options:
-verbose log more information
-quiet log less information
-silent log only warnings
-log FILE write log into FILE
-append append log at the end of the log file (ignore if no -log)
-locale LOCALE set locale for documentation and messages
Plan options:
-param MODULE PARAM VALUE set to VALUE the parameter PARAM of module MODULE
-xparam MODULE XML_PARAM set MODULE parameter value specified by XML_PARAM
-alias ALIAS VALUE set to VALUE the parameter alias ALIAS
-xalias XML_ALIAS set parameter alias value specified by XML_ALIAS
-unset MODULE PARAM unset the parameter PARAM of module MODULE
-defaultParamValuesFile FILE specifies the file containing default parameter values
-module ID CLASS append a module with the specified id and class at the end of the plan
-shell runs a shell after processing the corpus
-browser runs a browser after processing the corpus
-creator FEAT set the name of the feature containing the module that created each element
-feat KEY VALUE set feature for the corpus
-inputDir DIR add default input directory
-outputDir DIR set root output directory
-baseDir NAME PATH defines a base directory
-resourceBase BASE add default resource address base
Resume mode and dump options:
-resume FILE resume processing from a dumped corpus (BROKEN)
-dumpModule MODULE FILE set the dump file after the specified module (BROKEN)
-nodumps ignore all corpus dumps
-maxMmapSize SZ maximum size of mmap blocks in bytes (if CONFIG_STRICT_DEVMEM is on, the set to 1048576)
Other options:
-version print version and exit
-analysisFile FILE analyze plan resource usage and write a report
-noProcess do not process the corpus
-writePlan write the plan to standard output, adding type to the parameter aliases, using the XSLT provided by -docTransformer
-tmp DIR set root of temporary directories
-cleanTmp delete the temp directory after processing
-noColors do not use ANSI color escape codes for logging or documentation
There are a lot of options because AlvisNLP is very versatile. The most important is the PLANFILE.
Plan file
You specify the sequence of modules with an XML file called the plan file. The plan file contains:
- the sequence of processing steps taken from a library of modules or from pre-made reusable sequences;
- the parameter values for each step, which allows you customize the processing step and to specify resources (documents, lexicons, terminologies, ontologies).
Here’s an example of a simple plan file that tells AlvisNLP to read text files, look for a specific regular expression pattern and writes the result as HTML so we can take a look at it.
<alvisnlp-plan id="example">
<read class="TextFileReader">
<regexp class="RegExp">
<write class="QuickHTML">
In this example, we define a plan of three successive steps named read, regexp, and write. These steps use the modules TextFileReader, RegExp, and QuickHTML respectively.
Within each step, we set some parameter values:
- For the step read, there’s a single parameter sourcePath that specifies where to read text files.
- For regexp, there are two parameters. pattern specifies the regular expression to search. targetLayerName is the name of the container where regexp will store matches. Here we call it “capitalized”.
Ready to run this plan:
$ alvisnlp example.plan
Further reading
- Data model describes the data structure. A good grasp of this data model is very important for optimal use of AlvisNLP.
- Write a plan details parameters, plan reuse, etc.
- Module Reference lists modules available in the library, and documents each one including purpose and available parameters.
- Element expression examples and reference describe a path-like language used to navigate through the data structure.